Academic Journal of

Zoological Sciences

[Abbr: Acd. Jr. AJZS]

Impact of Pollution and Climate Change on Cold Water and Warm Water Fishes

by Preeti Singh

This study aims to shed light on the fact that pollution and climate changes has an adverse effect on both cold water and warm water fishes. It is a known fact the capability of a fish to adopt or accept the changes in environment is a species specific thing, if there comes a case of rapid change in temperature, there are almost some situation which will come out as an outcome i.e. it could result in extinction because of the thermal stress or it may go under the process of genetic changes within some limits based on the natural selection process. There is a possibility that alteration in the dominance of species will probably occur, for the reason that species are adaptive to certain range of thermal, spatial and temporal characteristics. This will happen because of the climate induced shifts. May be it will affect the route of dispersal. Keywords: Climate Change, Extinction, Cold Water Fish, Warm Water Fish, Pollution.

A Comparative Study on Ecology and Diversity of Species of Spider

by Megha Shukla

Spiders plays a significant and vital role in ecosystem as being the controller agent of the biodiversity. The present paper focus on the ecology and diversity of the different species of the spiders which are occurring at the varied range of habitat including the spider families. The different families reflect the varying habitat with that of the widespread and abundant restriction to the single site. It is observed that the different sites have individual and unique species characteristics and its role in the ecosystem by highlighting the species composition in the seasonal patterns as the implications for showing the species diversity. The study focus on the diversity of the spider species and the influencing factor with the varied habitat. The paper focus on the spider assemblage and its role in stimulating the ecological balance as well as diversified species conclusively reporting the structural complexity of the habitat. Keywords: Spiders, Biodiversity, Seasonal patterns, Spider Assemblage, Habitat

Impact of Climate Change on the Development of Insects and Their Population Dynamics

by Rahul Tiwari

Insects are the organism which are powerful and rapidly adaptive having high fertility and less life cycle. The ecosystem of the insects got disturbed by the human interruption in agro- ecosystem and variations in global climate. The main causes of the environmental variation are erosion of natural habitats, urbanization, pollution and use of chemicals in agro ecosystem which multiplies the intensity of environmental variations. The insects and their populations dynamics are significantly influenced by the both abiotic (temperature, humidity, light) and biotic (host, vegetative biodiversity, crowding and diets) stresses. The population dynamics and status of the insects of crop could profoundly affected by these weather and climate changes, which may be caused by the indirect effects on the host plants, competitors and natural enemies of the pests. Just because of these factors, the metamorphic stages, survival and rate of multiplications of insects may extend. By taking these points into consideration, this paper discussed about the impact of climate change on insect and their population dynamics. Keywords: Insects, Climate change, Population dynamics

Migration in Fishes: A Study

by Mahika Chaudhary

The migration of animals is an amazing phenomenon in which freshwater fishes are also included. The migration or residency at one place of an individual fish helps in the evolution of costs and different strategies’ benefits by which the lifetime reproductive effort is increased. The life history of fishes like foraging and reproduction cannot be seen from a single habitat. This is because of the variation in habitat conditions such as temperature, climate etc. The migration in fishes is necessary for the completion of life cycle. The variability in migration is observed by physical scale that ranged from hundreds of meters to thousands of kilometers in case of coastal and stream dwelling fishes. This paper discussed about the causes of migration of freshwater fishes. There are many factors that affects the migration in fishes as the fishes’ migration is affect by the chemical and physical changes in water environment. And the migration in fishes has many advantages and disadvantages. Keywords: Migration, Factors, Variation, Habitat

Courtship Behavior in Fishes

by Parul Sharma

In the present study we have discussed about different forms of courtship behavior in fishes (ichthyes) and the activities through which event is finally leaded to mating. Vital role of courtship behavior in different species, occurs differently. Various kinds of events are performed to judge the ability and performance for the selection of partner before mating. Once the courtship formalities are settle down, female fish is ready to choose its partner. Besides the straightforward tactics few fishes also goes for a backup plans for if in case the female partner ditch the partner chosen. Nest making, zig-zag dance, rolling dance, action of melanophores and swapping sounds are few techniques adopted by fishes in order to establish courtship. Fishes usually goes for four alternatives before establishing the final decision based upon the character of the sexes before mating. Courtship behavior and sexual selection is stronger in female fish comparatively to male fishes. Keywords- Courtship behavior, Fish species, Strategies, Partner, Mating

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